PREFACE Factories Act is one of the earliest welfare legislation. The Factories Act, 1948 (Act No. 63 of 1948), as amended by the Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987 (Act 20 of 1987), serves to assist in formulating national policies in India with respect to occupational safety, health, welfare, proper working hours and other benefits in factories in India. It deals with various problems concerning safety, health, efficiency and well-being of the persons at work places. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Labour and Employment in India through its Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) and by the State Governments through their factory inspectorates. DGFASLI advises the Central and State Governments on administration of the Factories Act and coordinating the factory inspection services in the States. Though lot of books on Factories Act and Rules are already available in the market, most of them are written in traditional way. But this book is designed to profess the subject matter in the form of a guide with case laws and notifications and is user friendly. This book is a handy volume containing Factories Act, 1948 as amended by Act 20 of 1987 with Indian case laws. The Karnataka Factories Rules 1969 and notifications corrected up to September 2019 are all incorporated. The case laws referred to is up-to-date. The commentary is aimed at supplying the necessary cases in shortest and quickest manner. The Act underwent considerable changes by the amendment Act 20 of 1987. The amendments are indicated in the foot notes for ready reference. As a regulatory authority, I feel myself that we have the onus of responsibility to make our readers aware of the rule position at the moment. I hope all our readers appreciate this job and make good use of this edition. I will deem myself amply rewarded if this book serves the needs of the stake holders like Factories, Labours, Safety professionals, Regulatory agencies and those that concern with safety and health of the workers working in the factories. I hope that the users will find this book useful in their day to day professional activity, any constructive suggestions are highly appreciated with due consideration. Dr. T.V. Narayanappa, B.E, M.E, Ph.D Deputy Director of Factories Bangalore Foreword
Preface Acknowledgement PART - I THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 1. History CHAPTER 1, PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. References to time of day 4. Power to declare different departments to be separate factories or two or more factories to be a single factory. 5. Power to exempt during public emergency 6. Approval, licensing and registration of factories 7. Notice by occupier 7A. General duties of the occupier 7B. General duties of manufacturers, etc. as regards articles and substances for use in factories CHAPTER II, THE INSPECTING STAFF 8. Inspectors 9. Powers of Inspectors 10. Certifying surgeons CHAPTER III, HEALTH 11. Cleanliness 12. Disposal of wastes and effluents 13. Ventilation and temperature 14. Dust and fume 15. Artificial humidification 16. Over-crowding 17. Lighting 18. Drinking water 19. Latrines and urinals 20. Spittoons CHAPTER IV, SAFETY 21. Fencing of machinery 22. Work on or near machinery in motion 23. Employment of young persons on dangerous machines 24. Striking gear and devices for cutting off power 25. Self-acting machines 26. Casing of new machinery 27. Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton- openers 28. Hoists and lifts 29. Lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackles 30. Revolving machinery 31. Pressure Plant 32. Floors, stairs and means of access 33. Pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc 34. Excessive weights 35. Protection of eyes 36. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc 36A. Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light 37. Explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc 38. Precautions in case of fire 39. Power to require specifications of defective parts or test of stability 40. Safety of buildings and machinery 40A. Maintenance of buildings 40B. Safety Officers 41. Power to make rule to supplement this chapter CHAPTER IV-A, PROVISIONS RELATING TO HAZARDOUS PROCESSES 41A. Constitution of Site Appraisal Committees 41B. Compulsory disclosure of information by the occupier 41C. Specific responsibility of the occupier in relation to hazardous processes 41D. Power of Central Government to appoint Inquiry Committee 41E. Emergency standards 41F. Permissible limits of exposure of chemical and toxic substances 41G. Workers’ participation in safety management 41H. Right of workers to warn about imminent danger CHAPTER V, WELFARE 42. Washing facilities 43. Facilities for storing and drying of wet clothing 44. Facilities for sitting 45. First aid appliances 46. Canteens 47. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms 48. Crèches 49. Welfare officers 50. Power to make rules to supplement this Chapter CHAPTER VI, WORKING HOURS OF ADULTS 51. Weekly hours 52. Weekly holidays 53. Compensatory holidays 54. Daily hours 55. Intervals for rest 56. Spread over 57. Night shifts 58. Prohibition of overlapping shifts 59. Extra wages for overtime 60. Restriction on double employment 61. Notice of periods of work for adults 62. Register of adult workers 63. Hours of work to correspond with notice under section 61 and register under section 62 64. Power to make exempting rules 65. Power to make exempting orders 66. Further restrictions on employment of women CHAPTER VII, EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNG PERSONS 67. Prohibition of employment of young children 68. Non-adult workers to carry tokens 69. Certificates of fitness 70. Effect of certificate of fitness granted to adolescent 71. Working hours for children 72. Notice of periods of work for children 73. Register of child workers 74. Hours of work to correspond with notice under section 72 and register under section 73 75. Power to require medical examination 76. Power to make rules 77. Certain other provisions of law not barred CHAPTER VIII, ANNUAL LEAVE WITH WAGES 78. Application of Chapter 79. Annual leave with wages 80. Wages during leave period 81. Payment in advance in certain cases 82. Mode of recovery of unpaid wages 83. Power to make rules 84. Power to exempt factories CHAPTER IX, SPECIAL PROVISIONS 85. Power to apply the Act to certain premises 86. Power to exempt public institutions 87. Dangerous operations 87A. Power to prohibit employment on account of serious hazard 88. Notice of certain accidents 88A. Notice of certain dangerous occurrences 89. Notice of certain diseases 90. Power to direct enquiry into cases of accident or disease 91. Power to take samples 91A. Safety and occupational health surveys CHAPTER X, PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE 92. General penalty for offences 93. Liability of owner of premises in certain circumstances 94. Enhanced penalty after previous conviction 95. Penalty for obstructing Inspector 96. Penalty for wrongfully disclosing results of analysis under section 91 96A. Penalty for contravention of the provisions of Sections 41B, 41C 41C and 41H 97. Offences by workers 98. Penalty for using false certificates of fitness 99. Penalty for permitting double employment of child 100. [***] 101. Exemption of occupier or manager from liability in certain cases 102. Power of Court to make orders 103. Presumption as to employment 104. Onus as to age 104A.Onus of proving limits of what is practicable, etc 105. Cognizance of offences 106. Limitation of prosecutions 106A. Jurisdiction of a court for entertaining proceedings, etc. for offence CHAPTER XI, SUPPLEMENTAL 107. Appeals 108. Display of notices 109. Service of notices 110. Returns 111. Obligations of workers 111A. Right of workers, etc 112. General power to make rules 113. Powers of Centre to give directions 114. No charge for facilities and conveniences 115. Publication of rules 116. Application of Act to Government factories 117. Protection to persons acting under this Act 118. Restriction on disclosures of information 118A.Restriction on disclosure of information 119. Act to have effect not with standing anything contained in Act 37 37 of 1970 120. Repeal and savings The First Schedule [See Section 2 (CB)] List of Industries Involving Hazardous Processes The Second Schedule (See Section 41F) Permissible Levels of Certain Chemical Substances in Work Environment The Third Schedule (See Section 89 and 90) List of Notifiable Diseases PART - II THE KARNATAKA FACTORIES RULES, 1969 CHAPTER I, PRELIMINARY 1. Title, extent and commencement 2. Definitions 3. Approval of site, construction or extension of a factory 3A. Recognising a Competent Person 4. Application for registration and grant of licence 5. Grant of Licence 6. Amendment of Licence 7. Renewal of Licence 7A. Revocation of licence 8. Transfer of Licence 9. Procedure on death or disability of licensee 10. Loss of Licence 11. Payment of Fees 12. Notice of occupation and change of Manager CHAPTER II, INSPECTING STAFF 13. Appointment of Inspectors 14. Powers of Inspectors 15. Duties of Certifying Surgeons CHAPTER III, HEALTH 16. Cleanliness of walls and ceilings 17. Record of white washing, etc 18. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents 19. General Ventilation 20. Measures required for cooling 21. Ventilation in new Factories or Rooms 22. When artificial humidification not allowed 23. Provision of hygrometer 24. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometers 25. Copy of table in rule 22 to be affixed near every hygrometer 26. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer 27. Specifications of Hygrometer 28. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order 29. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh Certificate 30. Hygrometer not to be affixed to wall, etc., unless protected by wood 31. No reading to be taken within fifteen minutes of renewal of water 32. Introducing steam for humidification 33. Provisions of rules 34 to 37 to apply in certain cases 34. Lighting of interior parts 35. Prevention of Glare 36. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt 37. Exemption from rule 34 38. Quantity of drinking water 39. Source of supply 40. Storage of water 41. Cleanliness of Well or Reservoir 42. Report from Health Officer 43. Cooling of Water 44. Latrine Accommodation 45. Latrines to conform to Public Health requirements 46. Privacy of Latrines 47. Sign boards to be displayed 48. Urinal accommodation 49. Urinals to conform to public health requirements 50. Certain latrines and urinals to be connected to sewerage System 51. White washing, colour washing of latrines and urinals 52. Construction and maintenance of drains 53. Water taps in latrines 54. Number and location of Spittoons 55. Type of Spittoons 56. Cleaning of Spittoons CHAPTER IV, SAFETY 57. Further Safety Precautions 58. Register of specially trained adult workers 59. Employment of young persons on dangerous Machinery 60. Guarded Machinery 61. Hoists Examination—Particulars of 62. Exemption of certain Hoists and Lifts 63. Cranes and other lifting machinery 64. Examination required 65. Pressure vessels or plant 65A. Reaction vessels and Kettles 65B. Examination of eyesight of certain workers 65C. Railways in factories 65D. Quality of personal protective equipment 65E. Protective equipment 66. Excessive weights 67. Protection of Eyes 68. Minimum Dimensions of Man holes 69. Water sealed Gas holder 70. Exemptions 71. Fire protection 72. Proof against fire 73. Buckets 74. Chemical Extinguishers 75. Provision for Chemical Fire Extinguisher 76. Special provision for match factories 77. Fire Fighting Apparatus and Water Supply 78. Means of escape for Cotton Ginning Factories 79. Buildings and structures 79A. Fragile roofs 80. Belts, etc., to be regularly examined 81. Tight fitting clothing 82. Service Platforms, etc 83. Machinery and Plant 84. Methods of work 85. Stocking and storing of materials, etc 86. Electricity 87. Motor Vehicles Speed and light 88. Means of internal transport and layout 88A. (1) Qualifications 88B. Ovens and Driers 88C. Safety Committee 88D. Application to Site Appraisal Committee 88-E. The Health and Safety Policy 88F. Collection and development and dissemination of information 88G.Disclosure of information to workers 88H.Disclosure of Information to the Chief Inspector 88I. Information on Industrial Wastes 88J. Review of the Information furnished to workers, etc 88K.Confidentiality of Information 88L. Medical Examination 88M.Occupational Health Centres 88N.Ambulance Van 88O. Decontamination facilities 88P. Making available Health Records to workers 88Q.Qualifications, etc., of Supervisors CHAPTER V, WELFARE 89. Washing Facilities 90. Facilities for storing and drying clothing 91. First aid appliance 91A. Notice regarding first aid 92. Ambulance Room 93. Canteens 94. Dining Hall 95. Canteen Equipment 96. Prices to be charged in canteen 97. Canteen accounts 98. Canteen Managing Committee 99. Food-stuffs to be served and prices to be charged 100. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms 101. Creches 102. Washroom 103. Supply of Milk and Refreshment 104. Creche Staff 104A. Exemption from the provision of creche 104B. Exemption from the provision of creche in certain cases CHAPTER VI, WORKING HOURS FOR ADULTS 105. Compensatory Holidays 106. Exemption from Section 58 107. Muster Roll for exempted factories 108. Cash equivalent how determined 109. Overtime work 110. Restriction of double employment 111. Notice of periods of work 112. Register of Adult Workers 113 to 115.x x x x x x 116. Exemption of certain adult worker CHAPTER VII, EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNG PERSONS 117. Notice of periods of work for children 118. Register of child workers CHAPTER VIII, LEAVE WITH WAGES 119. Leave with Wages Register 120. Preservation of Register 121. Leave Book 122. Medical Certificate 123. Notice to Inspector of involuntary unemployment 124. Notices by worker and Manager 125. Suitability of Leave period 126. Payment of Wages if a worker dies 127. Register to be maintained in case of exemption under Section 84 128. Exemption from the provisions of Rules 119 to 127 CHAPTER IX, SPECIAL PROVISIONS 129. Dangerous manufacturing processes or operations 130. Notification of Accidents and dangerous occurrences 131. Notice of poisoning or disease 131A.Precaution against certain chemical substances in work location CHAPTER X 132. Procedure in appeals 133. Display of notices 134. Returns 135. Service of notices 136. Information required by the Inspector 137. Muster Roll 138. Register of accidents and dangerous occurrences 139. Maintenance of Inspection Book 140. The particulars of measurements of each room in the factory 141. The maximum number of workers who may be employed in each work-room or work-hall 142. Intimation of intended closure of factory FORMS Form No.1 Form No.1A Form No. 1B Form No. 1C Form No. 1D Combined Application Form Form No. 2 Form No. 3 Form No. 3A Form No. 4 Form No. 5 Form No. 6 Form No. 7 Form No. 8 Form No. 9 Form No. 10 Form No. 11 Form No. 12 Form No. 13 Form No. 14 Form No. 15 Form No. 16 Form No. 17 Form No. 17A Form No. 18 Form No. 19 Combined Annual Return - Form 20 Form No. 21 Form No. 22 Form No. 23 Form No. 24 Form No. 25 Form No. 26 Form No. 27 Form No. 28 Form No. 29 Form No. 30 Form No. 31 Form No. 32 Form No. 33 Form No. 34 Form No. 35 Form No. 36 Form No. 37 Form No. 39 Form No. 40 PART - III ALLIED RULES FRAMED UNDER THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 AND THE KARNATAKA FACTORIES RULES, 1969 (1) The Karnataka Welfare Officers (Duties, Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1963 1. Title 2. Definitions 3. Number of Welfare Officers 4. Qualifications 5. Recruitment of Welfare Officers 6. Conditions of Service of Welfare Officer 7. Duties of Welfare Officers 7A. Welfare Officers not to deal with disciplinary cases or appear on behalf of Occupiers against workers 8. Powers of exemption 9. Repeal and Savings (2) The Karnataka Factories (Defining the Persons Holding Position of Supervision or Management) Rules, 1981 1. Title and Commencement 2. Definition 3. Persons defined to hold positions of supervision or management 4. Persons holding confidential position 5. List be maintained of persons holding confidential positions or position of supervision or management 6. Omission of rules 113, 114, 115 of the Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969 (3) The Major Accident Hazards Control (Karnataka) Rules, 1994 1. Title and Commencement 2. Definitions 3. Collection, development 5a (or) dissemination of information 3A. Duties of Inspector 4. General responsibilities of the occupier 5. Notification of major accidents 6. Industrial activities, industrial activity and isolated storage to which Rules 7 to 15 apply 7. Notification of sites 8. Updating of site notification 9. Omitted 10. Safety report and Safety audit report 11. Updating of safety reports under Rule 10 12. Requirement for further information to be sent to the Inspector and the Chief Inspector 13. Preparation of on-site emergency plan by occupier 14. **** 15. Information to be given to persons liable to be affected by a major accident 16. Disclosure of information 17. Omitted 18. Power of the State Government to modify the Schedules (4) The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 1. Short Title and Commencement 2. Definitions 3. Constitution of Central Crisis Group 4. Constitution of Crisis Alert System 5. Functions of the Central Crisis Group 6. Constitution of State Crisis Group 7. Functions of the State Crisis Group 8. Constitution of the District and Local Crisis Group 9. Functions of the District Crisis Group 10. Functions of the Local Crisis Group 11. Powers of the Members of the Central, State and District Crisis Groups 12. Aid and assistance for the functioning of the District and Local Crisis Group’s 13. Information to the Public (5) The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 1. Short Title and Commencement 2. Definitions 3. Duties of Authorities 4. General Responsibility of the Occupier During Industrial Activity 5. Notification of Major Accident 6. Industrial Activity to Which Rules 7 to 15 Apply 7. Approval and Notification of Sites 8. Updating of the Site Notification Following Changes in the Threshold Quantity 9. Transitional Provisions-Where 10. Safety Reports and Safety Audit Reports 11. Updating of Reports Under Rule 10 12. Requirement for Further Information to be Sent to the Authority 13. Preparation to On-Site Emergency Plan by the Occupier 14. Preparation of Off-Site Emergency Plan by the Authority 15. Information to be Given to Persons Liable to be Affected by a Major Accident 16. Disclosures of Information 17. Collection, Development and Dissemination of Information 18. Import of Hazardous Chemicals 19. Improvement Notices 20. Power of the Central Government to Modify the Schedules PART - IV NOTIFICATIONS AND GOVERNMENT ORDERS ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA 1. No. LD 31 KABASE 2015 (Part-1)/1, BENGALURU, DATED:25/02/2017 Sub: Classification of industries to streamline and simplify the inspection system 2. No. LD 31 KABASE 2015 (Part-1)/2, BENGALURU, DATED: 25/02/2017 The Karnataka Factories (Safety Audit) Rules, 2016. 3. No. KAE 102 KABANI 99, Bangalore, Dated, 30th March 2002. NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER PROVISO TO CLAUSE (cb) OF SECTION 2 OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 4. No. KAE 102 KABANI 99, Bangalore, Dated, 3rd April 2002. NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER PROVISO TO CLAUSE (cb) OF SECTION 2 OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 5. No. SWL 52 LFB 82, Bangalore, dated, 27th June 1983. NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 40B (1) (i) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 6. No. SWL 119 LLE 89, Bangalore, dated, 7th June 1990 DETAILS OF CERTAIN MANUFACTURING PROCESS DE-NOTIFIED/RESCINDED, UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF FACTORIES ACT, 1948, READ WITH SECTION 21 OF THE GENERAL CLAUSES ACT, 1897 7. No. KaE 39 KaBaNI 95 (P), Bangalore, dated, 5th November 1996. NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 8. ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ: ಸಕಕಾ 62 ಕಾಬಿನಿ 91, ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು, ದಿನಾಂಕ: 16-1-92. NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 66(1) (b) OF FACTORIES ACT,1948,VARYINGTHE LIMITS OF HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN WORKERS WORKING IN CERTAIN FACTORIES CARRYING ON SPECIFIED MANUFACTURING PROCESS 9. First published in the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary on the Tenth day of January, 2003 The Factories (Karnataka Amendment) Act, 2002. 10. New Delhi, the 25th October 1976 NOTIFICATION ON DATE OF : ENFORCEMENT OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THE FACTORIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1976 (94 OF 1976) MINISTRY OF LABOUR 11. Government of India/Bharat Sarkar, Ministry of Labour/Shram Mantralaya New Delhi, the 29th October, 1987. NOTIFICATION ON DATE OF ENFORCEMENT OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THE FACTORIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1987 (20 OF 1987) 12. No. SWL 117 LET 85, Bangalore, dated, 5th May, 1988 NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 13. No. LD 10 LFB 95 NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 : GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA 14. No. KAE 62 KARANT 99 NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA 15. No. SWL 34 LFB 75, Bangalore, dated, 3rd March 1976 NOTIFICATION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 85 (1) OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 16. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO.LD 07 KABASE 2003, BANGALORE, DATED; 7th August, 2003 Subject: Re-designating of the Head of the Department and his subordinate officers-issue of orders regarding. 17. No. LD 04 KABANI 2015, Bengaluru, Dated: 25/01/2017. Karnataka State Factories Self Certification Scheme-2016 PART - V COMPARISON OF THE FACTORIES ACT, 1948 WITH SIMILAR OTHER SOCIAL WELFARE ENACTMENTS SUBJECT INDEX
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