An irresistible package of Ten Online Training Sessions on
Soft Skills
We have received many requests to organize On line Training Sessions on Soft Skills/Life Skills by the legendary and renowned Trainer, Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah. And, we have, now, organized the sessions as under:
Dates (Saturdays) & Topics:
Communication is a very essential skill to be developed by the technicians. Many of the organizational problems of low quality of work, interdepartmental misunderstandings/conflicts, confusions, lack of clarity etc. are due to improper communication between technicians between departments, between superiors and sub-ordinates, etc. The communication gaps and barriers add to the problem further aggrevating the situation. This training programmes gives inputs on the clarity of expression, body language, listening skills, focus on the listener and such other psycho-emotive factors to make the technician communicate effectively.
Course Contents:
Communication is a very essential skill to be developed by the technicians. Many of the organizational problems of low quality of work, interdepartmental misunderstandings/conflicts, confusions, lack of clarity etc. are due to improper communication between technicians between departments, between superiors and sub-ordinates, etc. The communication gaps and barriers add to the problem further aggrevating the situation. This training programmes gives inputs on the clarity of expression, body language, listening skills, focus on the listener and such other psycho-emotive factors to make the technician communicate effectively.
Course Contents:
- Communication channel – communicator, means, message, listener
- Guidelines for effective interpersonal communication – preparation, clarity of thought, clarity of expression, catching attention of listener, positivism in communication, eye contact, precision, language, pace of communication, pausing, making communication relevant and interesting, giving examples and illustration, sequencing and structuring communication
- Importance of voice – audibility, tone, accent, modulation, quality of voice
- Creating a good first impression in communication, establishing rapport
- Communication gaps and barriers and how to avoid them
- Identifying the modality of the listener i.e. visual, auditory and feelings. Communicating to suit the particular modality to establish rapport and to render the communication result-oriented
- Open – ended questions, closed questions, leading questions – their application in interpersonal communication
- Listening – importance of listening, guidelines for effective listening, barriers for listening and how to avoid them.
- Communication over telephone
- Psychological and emotional factors involved in the communication – application of right and left hemispheres of brain to render communication an intellect-emotive complex
- Importance of body gestures and postures in communication
- Use of appropriate gestures in a given situation
- Interpreting other’s gestures and moderating communication based on this non-verbal feedback
- Territorial zones, their implication in communication
- Importance of internal communication i.e. communicating within oneself, communicating to oneself the positive and empowering beliefs and words; its impact on behaviour and attitude; how the internal communication can be effectively used for positive mental attitude
- Communication in teams – empathy, win-win communication, respecting other’s views and opinions, keeping calm and cool, being objective and logical, summarizing, use of feelings in group communication, collective decision taking, consensus, participative communication
- Importance of receiving feedback and self disclosure in communication
Prelude:Time is the most important, yet a very elusive resource. This unique training programme is very thoughtfully formulated to prove that, with innovative time management techniques, one can have enough time to do all that he has been doing (possibly in a better way and in a shorter time) still have time to do lot many things which gives him a sense of satisfaction, achievement and self-worth. This programme shatters the deep rooted myths and changes your paradigm about time management. It helps the participant to make fundamental and notional corrections in the psycho-emotive apparatus of his/her personality enabling him/her to do more in less time with more confidence, with less stress, more effectively and, above all, enjoy he/she is doing.
Course Contents:
Course Contents:
- Understanding time as the most important resource
- Basic concepts of time management
- Importance of time - its management
- Rationing of time for 'Urgent' and 'Important' work
- Identifying and eliminating time wasters
- Planning, organizing, systematizing, simplifying and compounding of work
- Prioritizing and structuring the time
- Goal setting and its relevance in time management
- Tools and techniques for managing time
- Identifying time robbers (time wasters) and techniques to prevent them
- ‘Planning’ as a tool for accomplishing goals and avoiding last-minute rush
- Organizing and planning for results
- How do effective communication and good relationships help in aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with others thereby reducing time in communication, relationship, etc.
- Simplifying and compounding of jobs for doing ‘more’ in ‘less’ time
- Procrastination and how to avoid it
- Using waiting time productively
- Identifying and doing 'high pay-off' jobs; Introspecting after the activities and applying necessary psychological and emotional corrections for effective management of time
- Crisis management
- Preparing and monitoring ‘Time Log’
- Managing time in the meetings
- Delegation
- Distributing time for career, family and self- development; work - life balance
- Time Management and Stress Management
A Managers’ thoughts may be very clear and qualitatively superior, but, if he/she cannot present himself and make impactful presentations to an audience, he /she cannot perform effectively. Effective presentation skills (of the employees) will make the audience understand his/her points clearly and completely. This Training Programme gives inputs on how to make powerful presentations to influence the audience by using excellent Presentation Skills aided by effective tools like Audio Visuals etc.
Course Contents:
A Managers’ thoughts may be very clear and qualitatively superior, but, if he/she cannot present himself and make impactful presentations to an audience, he /she cannot perform effectively. Effective presentation skills (of the employees) will make the audience understand his/her points clearly and completely. This Training Programme gives inputs on how to make powerful presentations to influence the audience by using excellent Presentation Skills aided by effective tools like Audio Visuals etc.
Course Contents:
- Physical, mental, intellectual and emotional preparation for making presentations
- Structuring and sequencing the presentation
- Preparation of effective slides, etc. to supplement the presentation
- Presentation Skills – clarity in expression, catching the attention of listeners, eye contact, language, pace, pause, quoting statistics and examples
- Developing self confidence in making presentations
- Using appropriate body postures while making presentations
- Using Audio Visuals in presentation
- Voice Audibility, quality of voice, pitch, volume and voice modulation in presentation
- Understanding and interpreting the opinions and feelings of listeners based on their questions, gestures and moderating the presentation accordingly to render the presentation effective and interesting
- Answering the questions of the audience clearly and confidently
- Avoiding stage fear and nervousness in presentations
- Positive self talk and optimism in presentations
- Social and corporate etiquette, manners, grooming, etc.
- Techniques to improve the effectiveness of presentation
- Creativity and innovation in presentations
4. Team Building
Team spirit is the bed rock of an organization. Without team spirit among the employees, an organization will be an example of ‘Individual Excellence and Collective Catastrophe!’ High performance teams exhibit mutual understanding, empathy, consensus building and collective problem solving. These factors boost the individuals’ contribution enhancing the overall performance of the organization. This training programme gives insight into the qualities to be developed by the employees to build high performance teams. The programme has been designed to be very innovative, thought – provoking and impactful.
Course Contents:
Team spirit is the bed rock of an organization. Without team spirit among the employees, an organization will be an example of ‘Individual Excellence and Collective Catastrophe!’ High performance teams exhibit mutual understanding, empathy, consensus building and collective problem solving. These factors boost the individuals’ contribution enhancing the overall performance of the organization. This training programme gives insight into the qualities to be developed by the employees to build high performance teams. The programme has been designed to be very innovative, thought – provoking and impactful.
Course Contents:
- Qualities of high performance teams
- Developing empathy, synergy, mutual understanding and ‘Win-win’ attitude amongst the team members
- Consensus building and collective problem solving
- Supplementing and Complementing each member’s core competency and achieving results through team work
- Interpersonal relationship and interdepartmental co-ordination as prerequisites for building high performance teams
- Aligning to the common vision, mission and values of the organization
- Giving importance to team’s objectives rather than individual’s opinions/views
- Personal characteristics of an effective team player-honesty, integrity, mutual trust and respect, assertiveness, ethics, humility, transparency, sense of appreciation and trust worthiness
- Importance of ethics and values in team building
- Avoiding the factors which inhibit the performance of teams-ego, hypocrisy, anger, jealousy, fear of failure, manipulations, fear, greed, etc.
- Importance of listening skills in team work
- Group dynamics --Small group activities, Task forces etc.,
- Free sharing of information with team members
- Enhancing one’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) for building high performance teams- Maintaining calm and cool
- Effective communication in teams
- Inculcating helping attitude and co-operation with other team members
- Result-orientedness in team work; Achieving the team goals
- Conflict management with team members
Interpersonal skills is of great importance to achieve success in profession, (in particular) and life, (in general). Sound interpersonal skills among employees enhances mutual understanding, trust, empathy, team spirit and reduces the interpersonal/interdepartmental conflicts. An employee with good interpersonal skills can vibe well with his superiors/peer/subordinates, can relate to people well and communicate effectively. The organization with such employees will function smoothly, synergetically and produces phenomenal results. This training programme enables the participants to develop exemplary interpersonal skills resulting in individual development and organizational growth.
Course Contents:
Interpersonal skills is of great importance to achieve success in profession, (in particular) and life, (in general). Sound interpersonal skills among employees enhances mutual understanding, trust, empathy, team spirit and reduces the interpersonal/interdepartmental conflicts. An employee with good interpersonal skills can vibe well with his superiors/peer/subordinates, can relate to people well and communicate effectively. The organization with such employees will function smoothly, synergetically and produces phenomenal results. This training programme enables the participants to develop exemplary interpersonal skills resulting in individual development and organizational growth.
Course Contents:
- Importance of Interpersonal Skills
- Qualities for developing good interpersonal relations –honesty, integrity, win-win relationship, helping attitude, human sensitivity, openness, ethics and morals, listening skills, co-operation, trust, belief, sense of appreciation
- Factors which threaten the interpersonal relations– anger, jealousy, ego, helplessness, fear, possessiveness, greed, frustration, manipulations, hyprocracy; Techniques to overcome these factors
- Tips for maintaining good interpersonal relationship with subordinates, peers and superiors
- Developing empathy to enhance interpersonal relations
- Conflict management with win-win relationship resulting in interpersonal relationship
- Interdepartmental co-ordination
- How interpersonal skills, lead to work effectiveness and result-orientedness
- Interpersonal skills at individuals level culminating into exemplary team spirit at a collective level
- How sound interpersonal skills leads to effective communication
- Corporate etiquette to be followed for good interpersonal relations
- Inculcating professional ethics and higher values in life as a prerequisite for interpersonal skills
- Developing assertiveness to enhance the interpersonal relations
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Importance of listening to develop good interpersonal relations
- Emotional stability for sound relationship
- Developing Emotional Intelligence(EI) and interpersonal Emotional Quotient(EQ); Controlling one’s negative emotions and understanding others’ emotions
The employees should develop the various facets of their personality ie. physical, mental, intellectual and emotional aspects of the personality. This inculcates positive attitude and self-motivation. Such a wholistic person will be a great asset for the organization. He will be able to perform much better, perceives issues in a positive way and will relate to people more meaningfully. His mental faculties like communication, memory power, analytical thinking, creativity etc. will improve which enhances his contribution to the organization.
Course Contents:
The employees should develop the various facets of their personality ie. physical, mental, intellectual and emotional aspects of the personality. This inculcates positive attitude and self-motivation. Such a wholistic person will be a great asset for the organization. He will be able to perform much better, perceives issues in a positive way and will relate to people more meaningfully. His mental faculties like communication, memory power, analytical thinking, creativity etc. will improve which enhances his contribution to the organization.
Course Contents:
- Overall personality development – physical, mental, intellectual and emotional aspects of the personality
- Improving the quality of thoughts – moving from negative thoughts (monotony, anger, jealousy, greed, helplessness, complacency, selfish, ego, inferiority complex, etc.,) to positive thoughts (positivity, affection, respect, care, gratitude, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, compassion, empathy, etc.,)
- Ethics, affable manners, good behavior and etiquette
- Developing mental maturity for Personality Development
- Factors which contribute to the attitude of a person
- Developing positive attitude leading to Personality Development
- Self motivation, taking initiative and developing enthusiasm in work
- Looking events and issues from a broader perspective
- Imbibing Responsibility and Accountability
- Learning continuously for Personality Development
- Interpersonal relations as contributory factors for Personality Development
- Emotional control for Personality Development
- Emotional control
Prelude: The performance of a employee depends on his attitude and motivation level. He needs to look at things positively and strive towards achieving excellence in work. He should avoid feeling frustrated, being helpless and getting scared about the problems. He should be self motivated with a great deal of initiative, ownership and enthusiasm. The employee should be able to deal even the most adverse situation with self motivation, courage and tact. He should maintain high level of morale in all the situations, all the time. This training programme gives practical guidelines to inculcate positive attitude, self motivation which are prerequisites for achieving success and enhance the performance continuously.
Course Contents
1. Self Motivation:
2. Positive Attitude:
Course Contents
1. Self Motivation:
- Importance of self-motivation
- Developing the enthusiasm, zeal, initiative to perform; Developing a ‘Never give up’ attitude
- Deriving enjoyment and value addition in life and work
- Work ethics and work culture
- Goal setting for moderating oneself
- Practical guidelines to develop achievement motivation – developing a personal vision, mission, values and principles, mental imagery and affirmation, passion towards work
- Inculcating the concept of ‘process’ happiness (joy derived while doing the work) apart from ‘destination’ happiness (joy derived after completing the work)
- Importance of dietary habits, physical exercises and other life styles to keep up the same level of motivation even amidst adverse and unfavorable situation
- Being self reliant, a self starter
- Maintaining high level of motivation even amidst most adverse and unpleasant situations
- Inculcating ownership and responsibility
2. Positive Attitude:
- Definition and importance of ‘Attitude’
- Factors which contribute to the attitude of a person
- Need to develop positive mental attitude
- Understanding the importance of ‘Thoughts’ in deciding the attitude, performance and health of a person
- Quality and direction of thoughts – observing and auditing them
- Improving quality of thoughts – moving from negative thoughts (monotony, depression, anger, jealousy, greed, helplessness, inertia, selfish, ego, inferiority complex, etc.,) to positive thoughts (positivity, love, affection, respect, care, gratitude, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, compassion, empathy, etc.,) – Transforming the negative thoughts to positive ones – mental and visual exercises for achieving the same
- Internal communication:
- Identifying the mental chatter, verbalizing the feelings, transforming limiting beliefs to empowering / positive beliefs.
- Reframing the internal communication towards positive thinking
- Practical techniques for developing positive attitude
- Introspection and identifying one’s negative attitude; Applying mental corrections to change to positive attitude
- Application of principles of positive attitude in workplace to achieve excellence in work and individual satisfaction.
- Importance of Positive attitude in interpersonal relations, team work and commitment
- Developing higher values of life
- Adopting positive life styles for developing positive attitude
Creativity is an important trait to be developed by an employee. To offer improvements in processes, systems, procedures, cost reduction, etc. The employee has to develop lateral, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. He has to move out of conventional thinking and generate creative ideas/alternatives/solutions at work. He has to come out of the comfort zone and challenge his mind to come out with creative ideas. This training programme imparts the necessary mental make up, attitude and the skills needed for developing creativity and provides practical guidelines to enhance the creativity in an employee.
Course Contents:
Creativity is an important trait to be developed by an employee. To offer improvements in processes, systems, procedures, cost reduction, etc. The employee has to develop lateral, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. He has to move out of conventional thinking and generate creative ideas/alternatives/solutions at work. He has to come out of the comfort zone and challenge his mind to come out with creative ideas. This training programme imparts the necessary mental make up, attitude and the skills needed for developing creativity and provides practical guidelines to enhance the creativity in an employee.
Course Contents:
- Definition of 'Creativity'; Need for being creative
- Lateral and divergent thinking needed for developing creativity
- Coming out of rigid and patterned mind-set to inculcate creativity and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking
- The free-wheeling and judgmental processes involved in creativity
- Functioning of right brain and left brain in the process of creativity
- Eliminating mental blocks which inhibit creativity
- Creating a motivating environment which nurtures creativity; Mental flexibility and agility required for creativity
- Analysis of great creative works
- Creativity in teams - Brainstorming
- Practical tips to develop creativity and innovation
- Mental exercises for improving creativity; Generation of new ideas
- Channelizing the creative power for constructive purposes
- Positive life styles to be adopted for enhancing creativity
E-mails have become the most commonly used form of communication at workplace. The technicians should be able to send clear and complete e-mails with proper words, layout, structure, grammar, etc., The e-mails sent by the technician should look very professional with great amount of precision, accuracy and pleasantries. This sessions gives the inputs of sending such e-mails.
Course Contents:
E-mails have become the most commonly used form of communication at workplace. The technicians should be able to send clear and complete e-mails with proper words, layout, structure, grammar, etc., The e-mails sent by the technician should look very professional with great amount of precision, accuracy and pleasantries. This sessions gives the inputs of sending such e-mails.
Course Contents:
- Preparation to be done before sending e-mail.
- Collecting the required data, statistics and other information before sending e-mail.
- Advantages and disadvantages of e-mail as compared to verbal communication.
- Sending clear and effective e-mails.
- Reporting through e-mail.
- Common errors to be avoided in e-mail.
- Avoiding redundant words in e-mail.
- Structuring and lay-out of e-mail.
- Grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, spellings, optimizing average number of words per sentence in e-mails.
- Use of visuals in e-mails.
- Use of effective verbs, polite words, and clarity in e-mail.
- Intra-office e-mails.
- Psychological aspects involved in understanding the mindset of the receiver of e-mail.
- Revising the e-mail before sending it.
- Importance of the sender of communication putting himself in the position of receiver of e-mail to avoid any communication gaps and misinterpretations.
- Starting and closing sentences in e-mail.
- Providing proper references in e-mails.
Stress is a major reason for decreased performance and also for a number of diseases. A person under stress experiences a host of problems like confused thinking, irritability, lack of concentration and memory power. Most of the stress is self-created and hence is self-curable. This training programme gives effective and practical guidelines to manage stress and perform at the best in the work place.
Course Contents:
Stress is a major reason for decreased performance and also for a number of diseases. A person under stress experiences a host of problems like confused thinking, irritability, lack of concentration and memory power. Most of the stress is self-created and hence is self-curable. This training programme gives effective and practical guidelines to manage stress and perform at the best in the work place.
Course Contents:
- Definition of ‘Stress’
- Identification and symptoms of stress
- Harmful effects of stress on the performance, attitude and health
- Stress inducing factors in an organization
- Stress related diseases
- Practical guidelines to combat stress at workplace
- Stress management and work culture. How to create a stress – free culture by sound interpersonal relations (with superiors, colleagues and sub-ordinates), empathy, collective working, positive attitude and self motivation
- Stress Management techniques – food habits, physical exercises, planning, positive attitude, breathing techniques, cheerfulness, music, socializing, nature watching, relaxation, assertiveness and other life styles to be adopted for management of stress
- Achieving the work – life balance
- Interdependence of time management and stress management
- How to manage stress during working hours and in spare time ?(when you havea few minutes at your disposal)
- Drawing up a concrete action plan for stress management at workplace and family
Timings (for all the above sessions):
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Rs: 400/- per session
Rs: 3500/- for all ten sessions
GST @ 18% will be charged extra
Fee can be paid by cheque / DD / NEFT (Bank transfer)
Rs: 3500/- for all ten sessions
GST @ 18% will be charged extra
Fee can be paid by cheque / DD / NEFT (Bank transfer)
FacultyMr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah, Head, Unique Consultants, is a renowned corporate trainer and motivational speaker. After completing a professional tenure of two decades in the corporate (M/s. Widia (India) Ltd., now called ‘Kennametal’), he took up training on soft skills. He has imparted training to more than 5 lakh employees in over 500 organisations in India and abroad. He has authored and brought out a number of educative books and CDs.
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