"Professional Philosophy:
Being Professional Social Worker wants to enhance human life in society through Social Work, Community Development, HR and Publication by following the motto of Social Work of Helping People to Help Themselves.”
Being Professional Social Worker wants to enhance human life in society through Social Work, Community Development, HR and Publication by following the motto of Social Work of Helping People to Help Themselves.”
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to best of my knowledge.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully
(Ramesha M.H.)
Managing Director :M&HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Founder Secretary: Nirathanka Trust (NGO)
Publisher: Niruta Publications
Editor : Social Work Foot Prints
- National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI) Young Achievers Awardee-2019
- Received the award of Dr. Marthuvkudi R Venkatamma's memorial prize for proficiency in highest in Sociology from National College, Bengaluru in the year 2003.
- Completed SSCL from Vokkaligara Sangha School, Bengaluru in the year 1997.
- Completed PUC in History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics from National Collage, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru in the year 1999.
- Completed BA in Optional Kannada, History, Economics from National Collage, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru in the year 2002.
- Completed MSW, Specialised in Human Resource Management from Lorven Education Center, Bangalore University in the year 2004.
- Completed the Post Graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching from Regional Institute of English, Bengaluru in the year 2005.
- Completed the Basic Training Course in Printing Technology from Karnataka State Printers Association, Bengaluru in the year 2010.
- Completed Training Course in Book Publishing through National Book Trust, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India in the year 2012.
- Completed B.Pac programme through Bangalore Political Action Committee, Bengaluru in the year 2014.
- Qualified Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) for Lecturer / Assistant Professorship held on December 2016.
- Attended 2 weeks training programme on Entrepreneurship Development Conducted by Multi-Disciplinary Training Centre, Bangalore in the year 2009.
- Attended 3 days training programme on Udyami Mitras under Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana conducted by National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, Government of India in the year 2011.
- Attended 6 months course on Domestic Enquiry and Disciplinary Management conducted through Talent Avenues in the year 2018.
- Attended 3 days’ workshop Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace conducted through Talent Avenues in the year 2019.
- Presented the paper on “Status of Social Work Education and Practices in Karnataka” in April 2006 in the Department of Social Work, Bangalore University.
- Presented the paper on “Social Work in the Current Development Scenario – A Critical View” in the August 2009 in the Department of Social Work, Manasa Gangaothri.
- Presented the paper on “Social work practice towards ethical social responsibility in the era of Global Diversity and Equity – a challenge or opportunity” in the National Seminar organised by Karnataka Association of Professional Social Workers, Bengaluru and Department of Social Work, Bangalore University in August 2010.
- Presented the paper on “Land Reforms Bill & Human Rights” in the Social Work Department, Tumkur University in November 2011.
- Life member of Kannada Sahitya Parishath, Bengaluru.
- Life Member of National Institute of Personnel Management, Karnataka Chapter.
- Life Member of Karnataka Association of Professional Social Workers, Bengaluru and served as Secretary for a few years for the Association.
- Life Member NHRD , Bangalore Chapter
- Developed the passion towards professional social work with the guidance and handholding of Dr. Hemalatha during student days. She has been a mentor and coach as on today for all my initiatives and activities.
- In the later stage got an association with Dr. H.M. Marulasiddaiah and held a several professional discussions with him. With his inspiration and guidance, started dedicated journal for Professional Social Work for the first time in India. Also, published a several books of him in the social work to facilitate the social work students and academicians. Has been associated with him till his last breath. He is a major backbone for my achievements in the field of professional social work.
- By recognizing my initial achievements and activities in the field of professional social work, Dr. T.K. Nair extended his support and guidance for me. Which is further strengthened my initiatives and the social work journal. Published his 3 books in the field of social work and has been associated with him till his last breath.
- By seeing the social work journal, Dr Shankar Pathak extended his support to me. Published his 3 books in the field of social work and has been associated with him till his last breath.
- By recognizing my publications in the field of Social Work, Dr. Venkat Pulla started providing his professional support to me to enhance the quality of my initiatives. Published his 1 book in the field of social work.
- Also, Dr. C.R. Gopal by recognizing my contributions started extending his guidance and professional support to strengthen the initiatives in Social Work, Social Work Journal, Publication and HR
- Worked as Executive – Human Resources in Kemwell Pharma in the year 2007.
- Worked as Assistant Professor for Social Work Department of Anupama College, Affiliated to Bangalore University, Department of Social Work during 2008 & 2009.
- Taken the full time role in the NGO of Nirathanka in the year 2010 to provide the services for elderly men and women, education, health care and skill development trainings for youth.
- Started and has been maintaining the exclusive website of “www.socialworkfoot prints.org” for professional social workers.
- Started the NGO of Nirathanka in the year 2007 to provide the Social Work support for the elderly people & youth through health care, food security, education and skill development programmes. Completed the journey of 13 years successfully by creating a smile in many lives.
- Started the Bi-Lingual Journal named “Social Work Foot Prints / Samaja Karyada Hejjegalu” of Social Work in English & Kannada language through Nirathanka NGO in the year 2010 for the first time in Karnataka. Facilitating many professional social workers, students, academicians and others to publish their papers in this journal.
- Started the Niruta Publications in the year 2012 with an intention of publishing the books in the field of Social Work, Human Resource Management and Literature. Successfully published about 85 books as on March 2020.
- Published many books of the International Renowned Professional Social Workers such as Prof. Shankar Pathak, Dr. T.K. Nair, Dr. Venkat Pulla and Prof. Marulasiddaiah through Niruta Publications.
- The book of Prof. Shankar Pathak's "Social Work and Social Welfare” published through Niruta Publications got the recognition under subsidized scheme of National Book Trust.
- Identified many new young authors, provided them an opportunity to write, and published their books.
- Conceptualised and started “The State Level Human Resource Professionals Kannada Conference” for the first time in Karnataka in the year 2018 with a motto of bringing all professional social workers & HR Professionals in the Karnataka under one roof and create an opportunity for young Professional Social Workers & HR Professionals. Successfully completed 3 conferences as on year 2020.
- Has been organising the week-end free training and development classes for Professional Social Work and Others by connecting the Professional in the Industry and provided them the platform to explore the employment opportunities.
- Has been providing an opportunity for young Professional Social Work Students to undergo training in the Nirathanka NGO and facilitating them to get employment opportunities. Placed so far about 30 students through this initiative.
- Created “the networking group in the Google” with about 6,000 social work professional to share and discuss on the professional matters.
- Created “the networking group in the Google” with about 7,000 HR professional to share and discuss on the professional matters.
- Has been organising monthly / quarterly interactive sessions with Professional Social Workers to discuss about the recent development and contemporary issues.
- Has been established the exclusive training set-up to accommodate about 50 participants to provide free training / coaching / mentoring sessions.
- Extending the support for Social Work Colleges to connect with Industries for orientation visits, fieldwork, project works and so on.
- Established the strong rapport with an industry experts in Social Work and Human Resources and facilitating the students get the proper mentoring & coaching through them.
- Conceptualised and created the website of “www.mhrspl.com” with a motto of bringing all the HR solutions under one roof.
- Received the award of Dr. Marthuvkudi R Venkatamma's memorial prize for proficiency in highest in Sociology from National College, Bengaluru in the year 2003.
- Editor of Social Work Foot Prints journal from year 2010.
- Authored the book of “Karnataka NGO’s Directory” in the year 2010.
- Co-authored the book of “UGC Net Book – Social Work” in the year 2014.
- Co-authored the book of “Vyakthigatha Samajakaryada Parichaya (Introduction of Social Case Work)” in Kannada in the year 2018.
- Born on July 22, 1981 in Bengaluru in the family of agriculture background.
- Married and having boy and baby girl.
- Settled in Bengaluru.
- Spends free time in reading, writing, meditation and brainstorming with mentors.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to best of my knowledge.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully
(Ramesha M.H.)
Managing Director :M&HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Founder Secretary: Nirathanka Trust (NGO)
Publisher: Niruta Publications
Editor : Social Work Foot Prints
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